Thursday, April 15, 2010

Get ready everyone...

This year the tea party rallies will be much different. Last year the media blackout (outside of Fox News) of it up until the day it happened was so blantant because they just couldn't believe how many people turned on a president they helped elect, in such a short time. Now they see us as a real "threat" sometimes to the point of insanity. Folks there WILL BE liberals/anarchists there trying to cause violence and controversy. We HAVE to be like Ghandi, I know if you get struck or threatened the natural reaction is to fight back. PLEASE be calm and respectful to all of the idiots out there, the police will take care of any trouble makers. Make sure to have cameras and videocameras ready because this will be very important. Today will probably make or break this movement, we either become a national force or get relegated to kook status. Yes folks, the stakes are that high and because I have a lot more political experience than probably 90-95% of you in this movement (not a bad thing by the way, always glad to have more people participate in the political process) and am a political science major at the U, we have to come across as the bigger people tomorrow. People are scared, otherwise why would they try to crash the tea party and make us look like morons? If we were as dumb as they say we are they wouldn't need to do that, we would self-destruct. The fact that they HAVE to do this means we are a credible force in politics today and the left is scared shitless by this prospect. Here is an article to help prepare you for what is to come at the rally in St.Paul and around the country today. Here is an article from the Jawa Report

From Anarchist' R Us

On April 15th thousands of right-wingers will attend rallies in cities and towns across the United States. The organizers of this nationwide day of protest call it a tea party. This tea party movement that emerged only a year ago is a coalition of conservatives, anti-Semites, fascists, libertarians, racists, constitutionalists, militia men, gun freaks, homophobes, Ron Paul supporters, Alex Jones conspiracy types and American flag wavers.[...]

1. Organize counter-protests against the tea party demonstrations, same time, same place. This is probably the best option. We need to get in the streets on April 15th and show the tea party movement that there are lots of people out there who oppose their agenda.

2. Get individual tea party protesters to leave the right-wing and move to the left politically.[lol] That would involve passing out stuff like this at the tea party demonstrations:

3. Ignore the tea party movement. This is the worst option because without anyone opposing them they could easily gain power.

Some good articles critical of the tea party movement:


Tea party websites, so you can spy on them:


Follow them at:

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